Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Simple title for a simple shot. It's been a really manic day today with banks, doctors, solicitors, tescos and evening a little kip in the mid afternoon.

I will furnish you with the details eventually but I still have a lot to sort out. The bank were no help whatsoever saying that despite me having a solid and winning business plan, the £2500 loan was a none starter due to my little indiscretion with a credit card a few years back. I understand, after all you reap what you sow even if it is years later.

I'm really sorry I can't get commenting at the moment, I haven't even been able to look round your photos. It's tragic really and I have a massive blip shaped hole in my life.

In other news I'm swapping my car tomorrow. I drive a V plate 2 litre GTI that drinks petrol like Shane Macgowan drinks scotch. I'm getting a L plate 1.9 TDI Golf that utilises chip fat as an engine fuel and gets 50mpg. It's also a bit um.... chavvy. Apparently. It has black alloys and all sorts of little custom bits like an internal button to pop the boot and GTI interior. The book price on mine is £1300, this one is worth £1200....... Am I doing the right thing?

Y'know what, I will never really know if I'm doing the right thing will I? I'm on two weeks sick leave, and I've been granted grace for two weeks with full pay. I have a LOT of big decisions to make over the coming few weeks. I'm bound to make a couple of slip ups aren't I?

Kirky is coming over in half an hour for some FIFA before I get to have a chinwag with a potential investor in my masterplan.

Love y'all.

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