
By Appreciation

Nailbiting Decisions

The brass band were playing on the lawn. Lewis and his sidekick were wandering throught the pillared halls, the barbeque was fired up and the squealing excitement had turned to rigid fear. For some the decisions of which presentations to attend were simply too much.

So many gorgeous young faces, all displaying different emotions. Some were clearly ready for today and well up for the challenges ahead, some were terrified and looked far too young to be there. Hopefully my girl was somewhere in the middle, although she says Aberdeen is not for her. So back in the car, no music, different sweets, lots of sleepyheads and the return journey.

Straight in and out and onto college for the grown ups - but hold on - someone has changed the course, on a different day, with different objectives and much dearer than I remember. The idea of doing a studio portraiture course over 12 weeks may be appealing, but frankly I don't think I'm up to it and it's certainly not what I anticipated. There's written homework too. Perhaps next week my legs will hold?

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