Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Little Love

"Love" by Robert Indiana (1996-1999) has two different installations in Philadelphia. The other copy is larger and more famous, standing in "Love Park" downtown, and is an icon for skateboarders all over the world. The park itself was designed in a way that those urban athletes would die for. My nephew Bobby seemed to know it like the back of his hand without ever having been there. The city outlawed the sport in that park many years ago and altered it to make it less skateable.

Before this very poular sculpture arrived, there stood (on the same spot) "We Lost," by Tony Smith, installed in 1974, removed in 1999. It's been restored and supposedly will be placed again whenever a suitable location is found. Some try vainly to deny that its title had anything to do with the Vietnam War, but everyone just laughs at such hogwash.

I had completely forgotten "We Lost" until my housemate recalled it last night. I thought of it as moderately interesting, but never cherished it, nor knew its name.

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