Et Aetatis

By Biota

Balanced College Dinner

The past four semesters, I've been trying and failing to get my Fridays off. But taking the number of classes I do and trying to fit everything into four days is a little impossible. So I tried an even distribution this semester, where each day I have two or three classes with the most being four on Tuesdays. Not bad at all considering a Tuesday two semesters ago I had six, nearly consecutive.

But today after my third class, I looked over my schedule again and realized that even though it's only four classes, it puts me in class for 7.5 hours. x_x The last of the four is from 5-9pm and meets only ten times throughout the semester. Ironic that the problem of the past two semesters was not having time for lunch, and now on Tuesdays there's no time for dinner.

Fortunately, my professor let us out after only two hours, so I rushed to the dining hall--passed my friends coming out--only to find that it had closed three minutes earlier. Too lazy and with blood sugar too low to walk to another dining hall that was still open, I made do with leftover linguini and sweet potato fries from Chuck & Augie's, spicy Shin Ramen, peach yogurt, Welch's fruit snacks, and seaweed. Got all the food groups covered.

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