Country File

By marypot

Wedding Party

Hubby and I went out last night to celebrate the wedding of our friends Trudie and Jason. The event was held at our village hall and it seemed like half the village was there. The atmosphere was wonderfully happy and relaxed and a great time was had by all. I really enjoyed catching up with all my friends, some of whom I hadn't seen since Grace was born. Having kids can be like that!

Whilst we were out, Grace went to her first slumber party, sort of! We all went to her friend Gabrielle's house at tea time. The girls had a play before being bathed and put to bed. Then the adults (Hubby, myself plus Lisa and Terry - Gabrielle's mum and dad) had a tasty bite to eat and some chat before we ambled down to the village hall. The girls were babysat by Terry's mam - the first time anyone outside of our family has looked after our little one. Gladly, Grace was perfectly behaved and not a peep was heard out of her.

I love this photo, even though it is blurred. It is Trudie and Jason having their first dance. Jason is spinning her round. They looked blissfully happy, as well they might :)

All in all it was a lovely evening.

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