
By Frontier

Non Descript Carpark

Benny Benassi - Come Fly Away ft. Channing (Soha & Adam K Dub Mix)

A friend and I were having a whinge about a manager about 6 years ago whom I didn't particularly like but my friend somewhat did. I think we spoke for about 2 hours in a carpark about it. It was funny because we were using analogies about business styles and carparks, and it boiled down to the manager we didn't like... being a carpark. Cold, efficient, purposeful and for all intensive purposes, blazingly straight ugly.

Now, I personally find carparks, or parks of any sort, fascinating, simply because they are like battery chargers or stations that allow the ability for travelling speed to be put on hold.

HUH?!?! Are you crazy? Yes I am. What I mean, and of course I'm putting everything into an extreme form of egocentricity, is that when our desires or motivations take flight they may step into many different vessels or modes of transport. It sparks in the mind or comes from an inspirational source (eg. tv, books, etc.) and then forms into neural messages to move the body. The body then steps into other vessels like shoes, bikes, cars, etc. and begins to travel faster in a way the feet simply cannot. Of course during these journeys, reverting to less sophisticated modes of transport to reach a destination is essential. I can't imagine a car being able to sit inside a restaurant to eat pasta comfortably, nor a stealth bomber exploring the dull interior of a shopping mall. I'd also imagine that it would be rather tricky to order a drive-thru Happy Meal in a submarine.

Anyway, with all stupid imagery aside, the manager in question set me back quite a lot emotionally and like a carpark, my travelling speed was delayed because of certain decisions. However, a carpark can only hold your car for so long before you need to return to it and travel further. In other words, although I may have been slowed down, I was able to go to a temporary location, get what I needed then return to the car to go to my next destination.

All things can be convincingly logical, but perhaps more efficiently then my crazy analogy.

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