A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


This is a hospital incinerator but bodies can apparently burn without the aid of an incinerator in a process known as Spontaneous Human Combustion or SHC.

When SHC happens, the body burns so completely there is nothing but ashes although for some strange reason, some body parts are left behind practically untouched, usually the feet and lower legs. Other items in the room where the SHC occured are also unburned.

The reason for these occurances remains a mystery but victims are generally overweight and have usually been drinking. The main theory for how SHC happens then is known as the wicking effect as the body is thought to burn a bit like a candle with the persons fat acting like the wax and their clothing acting as the wick, continuing to burn as it soaks up more melted fat. Gross. This may also explain why parts such as feet are often left behind since they do not have much fat and may not be clothed (SHC victims are usuallyy at home).

Somewhat famously - among those who know about SHC at least-Charles Dickens killed off Krook in Bleak House by this method!

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