It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


Today has been a funny old day. I have been feeling very rrraaarrrry and grrrrrrrrrry and woofy!

It all started on my walk this morning. Once a day I always have a long road walk. Mum says this is to improve my lead walking & to get me used to all the sounds of the busy town.

Well.....this morning's walk was very very busy indeed. We walked up 'the ripple' this is a wooded path that leads up into some houses at the top. We were almost at the top & mum was puffing away when a man came around the corner in a wooly hat. Gggrrrrrrrfffffff gggrrrrrfffff I didn't like him much, I sat and grrffd at him until he had gone past. Mum did her normal 'I'm sorry she is just a puppy speech' & off we went.

Then a bus went past me and did a big chhhhh ccchhhuuuuuu ssssssss kind of thing. I jumped 3 feet in the air and gave it a good woofing. I'm not sure I like buses.

Then, just as I was trotting along nicely, a car pulled up to ask mum directions. A man stuck his head out the window and made me jump! Grrrrrrrrr, I didn't like him much either & tried to jump in his window to give him a sniff. Again mum did her 'sorry she is just a puppy speech'!

Then......roadworks! OH MY GOODNESS! what are they all about? They are sooooo noisy and I could feel the ground jumping beneath my paws. I wanted to put my paws over my ears but then I wouldn't be able to run past them. So I made a mad dash for it, pulling mum behind me whilst she shouted back at the laughing workmen 'sheeees just a puuuuppppyyyy'!

Last but not least we past some bushes and a big pigeon suddenly flapped out and startled me.....woowooowooowoowooofffff!

So here I am at home, showing you my upside down woofy teeth. Well I had to do something to chill out after all that!

Mum thinks perhaps I have doggie PMT?? ;-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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