A day out with Jayne, Millie, Annette, Josh and Jacob again this wednesday. We went over to a family fair that Jayne had seen boards up about. It was in Monkton Wylde Court, somewhere none of us had heard of. I'm not going to go into too much detail as ther really isn't any. It's a big house and grounds where a group of people live as a community. There was nothing really there for us to look at. To be honest I was expecting tombolas, displays, coconut shy etc. There was pebble painting which wasn't until later, 2 stalls and a cafe. The children made the most of the swing and slide but we really didn't stay long and headed off instead to the pub!!!

Had a lovely lunch and the children played in the play area having a great time. Much better and we didn't have to whisper!!!

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