The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords


Was helping out at at a Summer Fete all day today, making teas and coffees for the helpers and shoppers alike. We managed to raise £125 for the Polycystic Kidney Disease Charity from hot drinks alone! I'm yet to find out how much they raised from the whole day but it was a huge success! During one of our rare breaks (my aunt and I were stood from 10-4) I managed to find a stall selling stuffed toys. At 25p each I couldn't resist a cuddly blue TY pony, with the intention of giving it to Luka to shred. After giving it a few test cuddles however, I realised it was far too cute to give to a dog, and instead decided to donate it to my cousin's new baby. Then feeling sorry for Luka, I bought this teddy as a consolation prize. It's still cute but not too cute for a dog toy :)

Helen and Sid brought baby Alfie round later but he has baby acne at the moment so I wasn't allowed to blip him :P When I offered Helen the new toy she seemed super pleased, before admitting that the toy Eeyore we gave her a few weeks ago as a present for the new baby had instead become a present for the new mum! (She has a bit of an Eeyore addiction!) So it all worked out quite well really!

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