The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

"The army truck!"

The original plan for today was for us all to drive to Studland Beach for a picnic, however it seems that the weather had other plans for us... I woke at around 8.30am to thundering rain and mini-rivers flowing down the lanes... A clear sign that the beach was not going to happen :(

After a very lazy pj morning, the weather cleared up a bit... So my uncle and aunt decided we'd take a drive out to a friend's farm to deliver some of the surplus plums (seriously, there were hundreds!)

It turns out that by 'take a drive' they meant for me to drive the old landrover. Meaning the ancient landrover with the massive steering wheel (sans powersteering), dodgy gear stick and erratic brakes! Some family friends came along for the ride (you can see little Billy on the left), though I insisted they disembark before my driving lesson... For my health and their safety ;) Luckily the car was a lot easier to drive than it looked and it was great fun! A perfect end to a rather soggy day!

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