Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

Which One Is Mr Pink?

Lookin' back on the track for a little green bag,
Got to find just the kind or I'm losin' my mind

- George Baker

I had my first "OHMIGOD! It's a blip!" moment when I spotted these chaps after trying to take a picture of the Spiegel Tent with no clothes on. That photo turned out quite dull so I pointed and clicked at these guys.

Why? I hear you ask. Because as soon as I saw them that tune from Reservoir Dogs popped into my head. A lot of the blame for this can probably be heaped on Steven Moffat's head for coming up with the following:
(sorry, I'm not sure how to embed links)
(Update - Apparently I can embed links in 4 blips time. Yay!)

However, that also reminded me that I only watched Reservoir Dogs for the first time very recently. Our popular culture has become so saturated with references I was sceptical that the film would have stood the test of time but I was delighted to find out it is still flipping excellent. Hoorah!

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