Shining sands.

The day:

Trip into Edinburgh. Started off with a walk around the museum. Much oooing and aaaing from a child that had previously groaned, moaned and stomped her tiny foot every time we took her near such a place. Then headed over Princes Street to pick up keys for the daughter's flat. Halfway down the stairs at the National gallery I managed to tear some of the fibres in my left calf muscle. Hobbled on - although would have loved to get my hands on the walking stick the old guy in front of me had.

Mission accomplished and back on the train. Boy was I stiff when I got into Dundee. Appalled the daughter by taking the lift up from the platform!

The image:

Has been posted in the photo critique group and is up for comments to that effect.


Wasn't really one - it was taken from the moving train just south of Kirkcaldy. The light just looked rather delicious. However I would particularly like to get better at capturing the rays coming through the clouds (you can just see them here) but have no idea how to bring them out of the light background effectively.

Also wonder if anyone has any thoughts on the boats you can see in the water. They are tiny and almost look like dirt unless you go in really close. Leave them in or take them out?


RAW - Exposure balanced, small amount of vignetting applied to bring some of the underexposed areas into range, graduated filter on the sky and colour of the sand adjusted.

PS - high pass sharpening and a tiny bit of motion blur.

The viewer:

Feel free to pull it to bits!

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