stained glass... a wild flower just a bit past its prime

been on the run most of the day... in between times - saw this little thing sticking out of the grasses... was caught by its color - and the shine - oh my!

it was next to an itty-bitty, purple looking violet... i guess - you can kind of see it just to the left... but this little one was shriveled up and beginning to do the wilting thing - however, that shine it had going on... well - you can see it can't you?

looking like stained glass. the different variations... myraid streaks of color... sort of blended together... yet separate at the same time... deeply saturated... and the sun wasn't even touching it - nope, nada - and i didn't do anything to it either - it's almost exactly as is out of the camera... gotta love that - well, okay... i did crop it some if we're being honest about it... sigh...

nature is something else... and on busy days like today - when you see something out of the corner of your eye - take the moment to stop and appreciate... it's just a moment after all - sure

does make for a

happy day.....

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