Hunting Unicorns

By huntingunicorns

365 Grateful Project_Day 22

I have been having so many serious conversations lately. And the one that sticks is the idea of trade-off. They say you can't have everything in life. You may be successful in your career but in some aspects you are handicapped.

I am enjoying my work. Among the jobs I had been doing this is the best so far. I have a semi-free hand in managing my time, my boss is superbest (if ever there is such a word), I have no competition outside - its my ego that I always battle with. So what is the trade-off you may ask? I guess it is not much of a losing side. I think it is more of a shot at my personal discipline. Allow me to talk in riddle.

So here it is a shot of the 9/10 volume control of our audio mixer. When I saw it I was reminded of the 9 3/4 in Harry Potter but as I write this I guess it reflects more my mind and probably also my heart - divided!

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