Nature day after day

By loveofnature

Jake the collie

This is Jake my cousin Andrew's dog. My Gran walks along to the other side of Carnoustie to walk him in the mornings while Andrew's away working and I thought to myself why don't I go along with her? Just for something to do. I'm so glad I did! I haven't been back down to the beach since I had a panic attack there a few months ago. Jake's a great character and he absolutely loves getting his photo taken. I took nearly 300 photos this morning! Here he is running for his ball.

It was a bit of a mixed morning weather-wise with heavy cloud over the sea and then the sun shining through. Also went round by the little harbour at Westhaven and saw this Great Black-backed Gull standing on the post. Normally there are Cormorants standing on top of them but didn't see any today. Plenty of birds including gulls, Oystercatchers, Pied Wagtails, Ringed Plovers, Swallows and House Martins skimming over the sand picking up sandhoppers and other insects getting ready for their migration. I'm going to go back with Gran on Monday morning when I'm not working so don't have to rush. Now time for a 1-10 shift at work :( Bummer!

P.S. Thanks for all the comments and stars for yesterday's Robin photo :) I saw him again briefly a few moments ago but the suet feast has been taken over by Starlings and sparrows and he's not getting a chance for a meal. When it dies down I'm sure he'll return ;)

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