The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Wasp from beneath

Sitting in the car watching the wasps crawling on the windscreen is possibly not everybody's idea of fun, but I don't often get a chance to see them from below.

Every day for the last couple of weeks, the cars parked outside the office have been covered in wasps, presumably lapping up the honeydew dripping from aphids in the trees above. The office next door had an enormous nest hanging from the eaves, but the pest controllers must have been called in. The nest now has a large hole in it, and there's no sign of comings and goings. It's not made any difference to the level of activity in the neighbourhood though.

Meanwhile back at home, Wifie has been having a cookathon. After xx years of being married, she has suddenly become interested in cooking main meals (she's always been a cake maker, but making the dinners usually fell to me). I came home this evening and she had cooked enough food to keep us going all next week.

It would have been appropriate if tonight we were to watch the Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, but instead it's the Girl who Played with Fire.

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