not a Daily Blipper

By suzy


It seem to have gone fast today me and carol went round town to get the last things for the bbq which we had tonight we had to get the charcole so it was time to get my trolly out

We went back to carols and sorted her back garden out i had the job of jetting the barbque down with the hose but i think Lola the dog got more wet than the bbq,finished of with a cup of tea.

Me Keith and molly had a good walk along the sea front which had a sea mist but when you came in land like we did on the way home as we came though the parks it was different all together it was sunny and hot.

About five o'clock we went round to carols for the bbq which Keith was in charge of as you can see. he did a good job. Mike one of carols friends came as well so we had a little party.

hope all have a nice week end take care suzy

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