Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Speaking of Feet

This morning I got so excited to see two dolphins (maybe three) playing in the sea in the distance, at first I could only see what looked like a black fin sticking out of the water, and my first thought was 'shark', but after a bit, you could see from the shape that it was dolphins, such beautiful graceful creatures. I grabbed my camera, put on my shoes and raced out the door with Aiden at my heels, we ran (more like a run, walk, run, walk) to the beach, but once there we couldn't see them anymore :-(

We decided we may as well go down for a stroll on the sand, which meant jumping over a little bit of water, and we both ended up with soaking wet feet.

We kept our eye on the sea, for a good half an hour afterwards, hoping for another glance of the playful dolphins, but no such luck. We did however, see some beautiful cloud formations with the sun shining through at different moments, glistening on the sea.

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