Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

My back night.

Just finished and can't be arsed to proof read so sorry for any errors...but at least im honest eh?!

Hi first of all thanks again to everyone who commented yesterday. Two days ago i got on the spotlight page. It was nice. Yesterday i didn't, however i got 34 comments. If i get 34 comment everyday and never get on the spotlight page i'll be a happy man (to quote seasick steve). I haven't managed to reply to all comments yet things have been a bit hectic but i will get round to commenting back to everyone. This is a back blip so i will talk as if it was Friday.

So today I borrowed a tripod for the Kuston Kulture event tomorow so i thought i'd see what happened if i set a 60 second exposure think thats what it's called. My back garden was pitch black with tiny bit of light reflectiing off the green house. I was quire surprised at how this turned out. I love the way my dog looks like he is having some sort of fit.

Didn't really take many other pics today so i figured i'd put this on here just to keep the 1 a day thing going. Not missed a day yet and i don't intend to. Neither does my Dad who is on here now so please pop along and say hello.

Hopefully a cool Tattoo pic for Saturday from the Kustom Kulture weekend.

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