It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

What a grey boring day!

I am NOT impressed with this being in season thing. My walks are soooooo boring now.

Here I am on my walk this afternoon with mum. She took me along the Coastal path where it is a bit quieter and we had a sit to watch the boats go by. I was sniff, sniff, sniffing the air just desperate to jump in that water!

Daddy took me on a run in the woods this morning. That wasn't so boring, I LOVE running.

Tomorrow we are going to go somewhere new but mum says I still have to stay on my lead :-(

The other thing I don't like about this season thing is that mum is following me around with a bar of vanish & a wet cloth....*tut* I thought being followed with a camera was bad enough, but that is just ridiculous!

I am going to cheer myself up later by watching Xfactor. Mum & daddy are going to the neighbours for a BBQ so I am going to kick back & relax ;-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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