
By RockNerd

Death of a Ladies' Man

The memorial to composer Sir Arthur Sullivan, in Victoria Embankment Gardens.
Although best remembered for his collaborations with WS Gilbert, his private life was pretty entertaining too! The figure is reputed to be a weeping Muse (Euterpe?), but it has been suggested by more than one wag that it may represent Sullivan's many lovers.
His first known relationship was with Rachel Scott Russell, an affair he spiced up by secretly having a bit of a thing with her sister Louise too.
He then struck up a long relationship with singer & socialite Mary Frances Ronalds. She eventually got fed up with his many other affairs (although she was married to someone else herself), but remained Sullivan's friend & companion even after their romantic attachment ended.
The identity of his other female companions is unknown, as he only used their initials in his diaries, along with ticks indicating their, ahem, "bedroom activities".
Aged 54, he proposed marriage to 20 year old Violet Beddington. Perhaps sensibly, she refused.
It's a wonder he had enough energy left to compose so much music!

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