Bunch of figs
More school, work on the MBH, grumpiness at chatting electricians who were have somehow ended up paying by the hour to stand around in our hallway chatting and smoking. When their boss came round later, words were had... (I did at one point wonder whether I was using the french verb "to chat" or the verb "to go for a wander". From his reaction, I think I picked the right one.
I've been picking a few figs every evening for a few days, in the 20 second gap between the figs becoming ripe, and the ants finding them. Tomorrow I will probably have enough to make some jam. I was going to do something that takes less effort, but Mr B has made me feel guilty by revealing that fig jam is in fact his favourite jam. (So, it'll be jam tomorrow...)
Hope this link works: 'God's Blog', a fun thing from the New Yorker magazine.
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