The Daily Bun

By pennybun

Penny Bun

Went out at dawn this morning up onto the moors principally to see what birds were about. We are approaching the time of what birders call vis mig, I assume because they are too idle to say visible migration. ;-}. There was a lot more around that on my last visit up there; lots of meadow pipits, a number of raptors, the only one I could confidently identify being a kestrel, grouse, starlings, lots of swallows, thrushes, and other stuff that I couldn't identify. On the mammal front, I saw a stoat and a brown hare, and although I hadn't intended to do any shrooming, I came across a wonderful patch of penny buns on my way back to the car, and another patch of bay boletes. I spent the rest of the day cooking - mushroom bakes and apple cakes.

So if anyone out there wondered where I took my nom d'internet from, now you know :-)

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