The Daily Bun

By pennybun


Although many of our garden birds have been absent over the summer, they are starting to re-appear. The blue tits though have mostly stuck around, and must have nested close by. This one is in one of the plum trees which have featured in many of my garden blips, not least because they are next to the feeders. Also, they have given us the glut of plums which provided us with supplies for the winter in the form of jam, chutney, pickle, confit and crumbles and brought us our nightly visitors - the badgers. The plums are nearly gone, but I've been putting out peanuts nightly and hope these will keep them coming. I've also invested in some badger food.
I'm thinking of doing a watch tonight so if the picture above is not a blue tit by the time you read this....

We ate some of the penny buns for supper tonight. They were delicious, but I think the cauliflower fungus was even better!

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