Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Top day !!!

The Uptons were here... this is Onslow (Dominic) and Lucy making brownies... well,I say 'making' ... it was Lucy's packet kit thingy and to be fair Ons is just helping her clean out the bowl ....
Adam (eldest Upton son) and Eve made cookies,which were VERY nice...
I made scones... they were the best.. IN YOUR FACE CHILDREN.. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA .... ;)
As you have come to expect all we have done is eat... we also had baby Jake for a while as my Zoe had another bad head,poor girl suffers like me..... :(
That did just sound as if we are baby Jake.. we did not...he went home to his mum and dad.
Tomorrow we may go to 'Go Outdoors' and look at tents.... maybe I can get a blip from that ;)

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