Stuck with me

After setting up the new office today, marking a full set of coursework, washing all of James' new school uniform and doing a number of other work related jobs, on a Saturday, for crying out loud, I left it a bit late to take a photo. Hence why you are stuck with me. Again.

Almost done. Am feeling very happy with new living room arrangement. Much better.

Just need to do the ironing now and sort out the linen cupboard and all of my jobs will be done. Until Monday, when I guess I am going to get a whole pile of new ones to do!

However, between now and then is a visit to see Jenny and Andrew to let them check the wedding album. If they are happy with it, it's theirs, if they're not, I'll tweak and reprint (and keep the first one as an example album!!!).

Off to watch telly and drink peppermint tea.

Night peeps

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