Time and opportunity.....

By kayempee

Kangaroo Paw

Happy Father's Day!

Dad's garden is filled with wonderful flowers at the moment. I always love this Kangaroo Paw, but the tropical rhododendrons were also flowering profusely along with orchids that had belonged to my grandfather.

Seafood lunch with my parents, grandparents, sister, niece and nephew.

Niece aged 9 tells me about the card she got for her father. "It is a card with a glass of beer on the front that says CHEERS, Aunty Kylie", she says. "It isn't a father's day card exactly, but it was right." Inside the card she writes "no matter the question, the answer is beer." She had seen it on a stubby cooler and thought it was funny. She left it at Grandma's house so it may be a while before her father gets to see her humour at work.

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