Lali's World

By Lali

Food 9 - Chicken Korma for Dinner

Not many blipping opportunities today, since I spent most of my day at home, apart from my little journey to the cake shop to return the tins. So I'm blipping my dinner today.

The cake is almost finished, but I don't want to blip it until the bride and groom have seen it. I think they should be the first ones to see it. I'm having a dinner break just now and after that, i'll do the finishig touches. You'll see it tomorrow!

Not feeling great today. I had a nightmare last night and, after that, I woke up with a mild migraine that has stayed with me all day, and it's still there. I missed the fireworks that mark the end of the festivals in Edinburgh last night as well because I still had some baking to do. Never mind! I'll see them next year!

Going to Barcelona soon and I can't wait! I hope my friends like their cake, it's given me a lot of work!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my delicious chocolate ganache blip! I hope you all had a pleasant day! :)

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