Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Time to Reflect

" Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven.?
John Lubbock

When I started Blip it was very much for me, about diarising this year. I won't bore you with the self indulgent shilly shallying as it's all in my Blipbio but sufficient to say I was determined this year would be good. I used to talk with My Crazy World at length about it and it's happening day by day, my life is lovely. It's not always perfect but it's about trying to minimise the bad and try and put it to bed ( or at the very least on the naughty step ) and celebrating the good.

So many interesting and fab things are going on and I am very very lucky. Don't get me wrong , it't not all perfect.. I haven't started taking LSD to make me live in some nebulous rainbow bubble land... the hard things are still there but life is bloody well ok.

It's funny, when I started this journal, I genuinely thought it would be a very personal thing, that no one would comment and none of my friends would access it and now I feel that you are all there sharing things with me. As for my friends.. some of them pop in to check things out from to time and because of that I won't wax lyrical about one specific lovely thing going on at the moment just incase they are reading.. you know who you are and thanks for being you but I didn't really say that out loud!!

And so to you Blip people.. I have been otherwise engaged for a week. I had an impromptu holiday to Cornwall and this was the first night at sunset on the beach.

I was almost speechless ( I said almost) when I saw this and all I could think was I wish everyone from Blip was there in a Blipathon with me. It truly is a stunning stunning place.

I love how the sun gives the tiny hint of pink in the centre of the waves, it's somehow symbolises optimism to me.

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