Five things

By fivethings


1. Hold on. Scotland are playing at Hampden tonight. Again. Surely there's only so much misery a nation can stand. The foul winter weather is adding precisely nothing to the atmosphere. I owe Scotrail an apology though - I thought they were just being lazy and not taking the railings down from Saturday, turns out they were prepared and professional. Who knew.

2. I have a pretty major presentation tomorrow. I spend a lot of the day power pointing and end the day at the CCA for a pre-presentation briefing with my co-presenters.

3. Home, the presentation outfit is ironed, the timings down to about 23 minutes (just 3 to shave off) and the nails done.

4. I finally shut the kitchen window. I've had it open for months pretending it was summer. I can't keep it up though. Winter has landed. With it comes big fluffy socks and the heating on.

5. This is a photo of my favourite window display in Glasgow - it's actually just the left hand side and the papier mache hot air balloons. Taken from a bus, it's not great, but I was sitting in football traffic with noting else to do but dream of paper balloons flying me home.

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