
By shedmonkey

heading south

a long, long journey, of which Glasgow Central was part. I asked a couple of policemen whether it was against station policy to take photographs, or would it be okay, as I had two and a half hours here, and a camera in my back pack. sure, they said, fine! so off I went and took some photographs.

a little while later it started to hail. the noise was so loud on the glass roof - and it went very dark for a time. a man asked if the seat next to me was taken. he sat down and remarked that it was teeming outside. we got chatting and he told me he'd just got out of prison at 11 this morning. it got darker. a huge crack of thunder reverberated round the station.

he'd been locked up for four years and wanted to go and see his estranged girlfriend who worked in a pub about 5 minutes walk away, and discuss him meeting the son he didn't know. what did I think, he asked. another clap of thunder.

he'd had a few already, and I suggested that it might be a good idea to think about it first, and maybe go tomorrow. what was I talking about. the man had just spent four long years thinking about it. but, I pointed out - it's now immediate, larger than life, full on HERE. hopefully this will be the last time I argue with an ex con. he took my interference in remarkably good spirit though, and we talked a while longer.

he introduced himself and we shook hands, he said it had been good to talk with me. as I watched him walking off he rearranged his shoulders and broke into his stride. it was at this point I realised . . . damn, I wish I'd asked him if I could take his photograph, but in hindsight after just spending most of the last half hour arguing with the man, that may not have been the best idea I'd had for a while, either.

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