Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Flying Scot

September holiday Monday for Stirling folks so the kids were off the school and I had taken a days annual leave so we could do something together.

Decided on a trip to the new Riverside Museum in Glasgow. It's been mighty busy since it opened during the summer so thought today would be a good opportunity when most folks would be at work or school.

Mr R isn't convinced it's an improvement...I liked it but wonder a wee bit about some of the on walls...bicycles hanging from the can't get a really good look at them...but over all it's a good experience. Some nice wee interactive activities...particularly liked the telegraph boy game...sodid the kids;-)

You get some great views along the Clyde too.

This display caught my eye...think these are nice looking bikes...and they were made in Scotland:-)

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