
By shedmonkey

Em and Martyn decided to beat the rush at Sainsbury's, waking me at just after 7 in order to do so.

then we headed off to have a restful day in Oxford! we walked for what seemed like miles. found an amazing bookshop with thousands of books on photography. sat outside for lunch, then went to the Pitt Rivers museum.

and I thought I had a problem with stuff! the Pitt Rivers museum is chock full of things, all beautifully displayed with mostly old, hand written labels. it's in a dark part of the university, on two floors, and there are all kinds of amazing things. the collection was gifted to the university by Lt General Pitt Rivers on two conditions, firstly the university build a museum to house it, and secondly that they appoint someone to lecture in anthropology. the Pitt Rivers Museum was founded in 1884.

got a taxi the short distance back into town and had a coffee.

another great day, but I'm beginning to flag now!

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