
Tomorrow I am going to post BEFORE 10.00pm

Today I did everything NOT to do the OU course finally my Father 'phoned and then I knew what I'd rather be doing .. knuckled down and tried to make it go in ..

'To take a good picture think L.I.F.E.
LOOK- to find the best angleled view and best framing
INTEREST-find something interesting to take or an interesting way to take something
FOCUS- make sure your camera is focussed on the main subject
EXPOSURE_ make sure that the balance of light and dark in the picture works for you'

..so there you are then .. that's ALL you have to do ...
now if someone can tell me how to load the bluddy disc into the computer so I can join in with the sodding forums where everyone is chatting about curry houses as far as I can make out ..oh and I'm in RED group
and joy of joys,if I understand it correctly nothing gets assesssed until the END hooray so the fact that I'm way behind isn't a problem ... but of course I could have that wrong...

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