Fluffy But Not Pink

Henry has now got to the stage where he suggests, participates, amends the action for the photos I think I'll have to call them our photos. Today he said 'I'll get into the window for you granny' and quick as a flash he was gone. I took 3 pictures ...THAT'S ALL I was laughing so much.. he was told off by the shop keeper...quite right too(I blame the parents) and I took him and we ran off round a corner and giggled... I really must think about this ...anyway photos not good enough quality..so you get fluffy bits off the Dandylion instead ..

Looked at the OU today we are now into week 2, immediately went into denial and turned it off...
will be catching up with you just as soon as Abigail has stopped using this computer for viewing and printing photos off ...grrrr

EDIT Posting Before Ten doesn't make any difference AGH

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