Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Here is Izzy showing off her first bit of art work she brought home from preschool!
Now I'm sure we will get lots more but these are being kept forever!

Over the last two days I have really fallen in love with my little girl even more, seeing how she has made friends, dealt with being away from me and James for 6 hours aday, trying new things and just being generally lovely to everyone has made me so so proud! Kids are amazing hey!

Izzy was so knackered this afternoon, she came straight home snuggleed into our bed and watched a bit of cbeebies ate ALOT of food then went of to her bed at 5 and was asleep by 5.30pm!! All this learning is hard work on her obviously!

Anyway I am full of love and of to edit a lovely family shoot I did today.

Take care everyone xx

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