Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Izzy and her baby!

We were having a clear out today and this baby doll was packed away ages ago because it "scared" her (it crawls and talks!) but she said " i'm big girl now so I'm not scared"
So she played with her baby for hours, racing her up and down the living room!! Oh and in usual Izzy style she had to be naked and have her "music ears" on (just plain old ear muffs to you and me!!)

We went past her preschool at home time this afternoon and she had to go in and say goodbye to everyone, bless her!

She is completely knackered today and sniffing and coughing so I think the first "preschool cold" is coming! They do say the first 6 months of any child being in new childcare will be full of illness!!

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