Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery

Manual II

It's been a manic day. Swimming with J, starting to get to grips with the open day, staff meeting, tutoring. And then I had to start thinking about my blip.

Slight panic aside (as not one of the three people in this house would pose for me) I've managed my second manual shot. God but didn't it take a lot of trys and many mental calculations - which I should know by now is not often a successful endevour. But, it's reasonably in focus and reasonably lit, and I haven't let this fallen orchid blossom go unnoticed. Not too shabby.

It seems to me, with photography, that every few months you realise you need to push yourself a bit further. And for a while it seems very hard work and lots of consideration is needed. Then everything clicks and you sort of coast along for a wee while. Only to start the process again...

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