
but no trams. You'll no doubt have read the saga of the Edinburgh trams. These are the tramlines at the West End of Princes Street. No tram has ever run along them. They are about to be dug up and relaid. Maybe one day we'll have trams.

This is technically a back blip as I didn't get home till after the witching hour. On the way to the Book Group (good discussion about 'The Wasp Factory') there was an unexpected text from my former boss, J. He's down from Aboyne for meetings and we had a good, long catch up at Amicus Apple. Bit noisy though - it's the start of the Fresher's Week season. I ended up on the way home at Tollcross directing two lost Heriot Watt studes to the Grassmarket and another random to Haymarket. 'What's the Grassmarket' one of them says but it was too late for the history lesson. 'Does it have bars and clubs' says he. 'Yes' says I. Satisfied customer.

Elsewhere, well there was no 'elsewhere' as I spent the day at home. Didn't even get to the pool, but thanks to A and Z I did make it to the olft and even the roof. What's at the top of the scary ladder? A huge amount of space, a lot of empty boxes some junk and a sofa. How on earth did someone get that up there? And from the roof I can see - a lot of other roofs including the the new shiny ones above Lady F's Dower House.

I'm having a blonde moment (even if I am now chocolate brown) as I discovered last night that most of my 2010 pics are missing from the laptop. I think (hope) I transferred them to CD but then where did I put it?

Despite the arrival of the studes the town is really quiet. You'd never believe there had been a Festival here. The weather continues erratic - sunshine and downpours. I got soaked tonight, properly soaked.

Somehow I doubt I'll make yoga tomorrow this morning.

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