
22months 18days

500!! Wow, where has that time gone!? I cant believe we're there already, 365 doesnt feel 135 days ago, but apparently it was! Thankyou so much for all the visits, comments, friendship from all our fantastic blip friends. Katie and I have made genuine friends for life from blip, in real life and online. For that, I'm very very grateful. Thankyou. The blip is 50 of my favourite blips - 500 wouldnt fit!

We've had a brilliant day. We started off going to Montessori- for probably the last time in a while as she'll likely be in nursery. She spent most of the morning at the paint table, doing printing with cotton reels, and painting with a wallpaper brush. She did chalking, sand play and played with the doll. Lots of fun!!

After Montessori, we stopped at the new centre our gymnastics club has opened, to check on times for her lessons. The lady said they had a very small class running and did we want to join them since we were there. The new gym is fabulous- light, spacious, colourful and lovely equpiment. Katie loved the big characters painted on the walls too and the teeny toddler sized chairs. It was brilliant! Even better, we think her class is tomorrow so we get to go again!!

We then went to the softplay/garden/aquatic centre (we didnt make it on tuesday). Her and her friends charged for over 2 hours. They had a blast!! She's finally conquering her fear of slides and was belting round everything just grinning away. It was so nice to see. Quite impressively, with a lot of singing of Miss Polly (one of her favourites at the moment) she's managed to stay awake on the way home. So we're off to buy cake from one of our favourite (other!) garden centres near by. Well, 500 blips, we deserve cake. Any excuse, hey!?

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