An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Autumn Leaves...

Bigger Autumn Leaves

Busy, busy day today and knowing I would have no time to take photos when I got home, at lunchtime I sneaked out to the car park at work and took some shots of the trees.

I hate days like this when I know I just won't have any proper time with my camera (which is more days that not!) to either blip around the house / garden or go further afield. Can someone please decree there are 28 hours in the day, with the compulsory order that the additional 4 hours must be given over to camera time!

Heading down to visit my mum this evening and all being well, hoping she will be up to visiting us on Saturday!

Tonight is usually the start of my weekend as I don't work on a Friday but this weekend I am working Saturday morning and will need to do some final preparatory work tomorrow. Bummer.

Thank you for your comments on yesterdays shagathon blip, you did make me laugh! :)))) and in the interests of sheer nosiness scientific research, I had a quick check when I got in from work, to see if they were still there. They are.....just further down the handrail! Respect!

Ok my lovelies...still catching up with commenting so here's a wee TREAT from me for your patience. :))) xxx

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