An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Saturday Night's Alright...


Sincere apologies for the utter pish poor quality of this photo but by the time it was taken I'd had one or three rather potent Bombays and tonic on a rather empty tummy and the natives were getting restless awaiting their food. They look as though they are smiling but they were actually bearing their teeth and about to start chewing the legs off the table so the camera was put down sharpish and dinner was served!

I almost blipped the mahoosive steaks we had but was worried all the veggie blippers would faint at the sight of them! ;-)

It's been a very busy Saturday preparing for E & K coming for dinner and staying over. Our first proper evening of entertaining since we moved here. All went well. D & K played golf in the afternoon whilst Ele and I secretly rummaged through old photos selecting extremely embarrassing good photos of Kenny to display at his 50th birthday party next Saturday night! Tee hee.

So, an evening of good wine, good food, good company and I managed not to burn the dinner. I even made scotch pancakes from scratch! Oh yes, finally I am Mistress of the Aga! swore less than 5 times whilst cooking!

Late to bed but that McCallan 10 year old single malt makes a damn good nightcap!

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