Pharmacist Daze

By beerdadtwy

Hot Bonnets

The peppers are gone. The chillis are changing colours.

The red ones are hot Hot HOT! I mean numbed lips.

My blips could have got boring.

Tess, our new rescue dog could be every day for years! she is so naughty, black, licky and pully, she produces some great faces.

She's just been napping with all four legs in the air!

Anyway, today we walked in the pouring rain [Hello to dog owners everywhere!] I took a photo of geese taunting us from the safety of the centre of the pond. Tess was doing a 'let me at 'em' dance on the bank! I got a snatched shot of the geese and a wet dogs head!

When we got home Tess looked like she had been given a bath. I have decided my waterproofs need replacing!

So, have shot of the chilis.

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