Ready for preschool.

This is Jack and Erin ready for their first day at their new school. Their last one closed Feb 14th and they have had nothing since. I was worried that they may find it hard to stay on their own again, new teachers and a long time of having Mummy. Erin was fine though and just ran off pretty much like her first day at the old one. Jack was slightly more subdued but I did leave after 15 mins and their were no tears. I missed them soooooooooooooooooooo much though. Avoided going back to the house as it was too quiet so went for a coffee and to a few shops before cleaning out my car. Next week they start Monday and go 5 mornings a week which I am dreading. I'm sure once I get used to it I will be ok but at the moment I just want to know when the next holiday is!!!!

I also had today my first day of childminding. A school pick and stay for a 9 and a nearly 11 year old sisters. It went really well and they seem lovely. Jack and Erin loved having them here and the girls got a book out the school library especially to read to the twins which I thought was so sweet of them. So happy to start working and glad that I have made the right desision.

Jack and Erin on their very first day of their last preschool 17 months ago.

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