Lemmys Space

By Lemmy


And he did !! We have been doing a
wee bit of obedience training with
him, ever since we brought him home
which is about 6 weeks, hard to believe
I don't know where the weeks have gone.
Anyway he has been fairly easy to train
he seems very intelligent and willing.
It does make it slightly easier, we don't
use food to get his attention as he is not
food orientated at all, but thankfully
he likes his breakfast and tea, I feed
twice a day, an old dog trainer told
me to do that yonks ago, she reckoned
it was easier for the dog to digest two
smaller meals than one big one, it
makes sense to me, and I have always
done this.
Off to see my pal later, her wee son has
just started nursery, Im dying to
know how he got on.
Happy Friday everyone and did you
know ............
Its nearly the weekend Oh yes :-)

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