
Today's the day ......................... to keep a distance

Rather strangely, I have found myself looking at bulls today. I think it's probably as a result of something that happened yesterday which I never told you about - but which was a bit scary at the time.

I was so busy taking pictures and avoiding the deepest patches of mud that I didn't realise that I had slipped through into the competitors part of the showground. I turned round to find myself face to face with an enormous black bull. Admittedly, he was on a bit of rope being led by a farmer - but it did give me a fright. What made it worse was that there was now a long line of bulls cutting me off from my escape exit. I just had to stay put and hope none of them decided to go on the rampage?!

So here is a bull that I saw today somewhere near Moffat. He is slightly out of focus - because he is quite a long way away. And that's the way I would like him to stay .............................

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