Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Walking Contradiction

Once again many thanks to all those who commented on my image of the Stump yesterday. It got me a spotlight for the 3rd day running. Not much to report today. Decided not to ring the smug bastard Finance officer just incase i need to apply for anything in the future i figure it's enough knowing i got one over on him. Oh and as it seems to be getting worse weather wise i bought a new coat today...just as the sun came out. Typical.

So many people asked about the Boston Stump so i thought i'd create this panoramic image to show y'all the inside. It's basically 6 photo's of the inside all merged together with a brilliant little program called Autostitch. I have used it before on here twice.

So effectivly it is 6 photos in 1 photo which is kind of a contradiction. So i figured i'd touch slighty on a couple of other things that i think are a contradiction.

The first being a fun run. I have been into fitness for years, since my army days and never have i once enjoyed a run. Going for a run is never....ever fun.

Secondly illegal imigrant. If you are an imigrant then welcome, if you're illegal then fuck off.

And last of all political correctness, because if it's political there is a pretty good chance it isn't correct!!

I leave you with this

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