In a Marcie Minute

By INaMarcieMinute

My City

Well, at least I finished the week right! I was so happy to finally reach Friday today. The morning chaos went as usual. The work day was pretty good. but the evening was fabulous. It was 65 degrees, clear, and calm this evening. Perfect. I watched the high school varsity football game (...American football, that is) with my sister and her family. A regular event for them as they both teach at the school. The stadium was packed for the rival game of the year (there will be no victory dance for this game).

Thereafter, I went out on the town to capture some cityscape images and settled for the one above... a nice depiction of the heart of the city. This is the same bridge I mentioned a couple of days ago. Lake Superior is behind the bridge, and the St. Louis Bay, in front. The city is booming with college students with the start of the school year and I thoroughly enjoyed a visit with a large group traversing the skyline by foot as I took this shot. They were so enthusiastic about the city and their new adventure and it brought me back to those years of my own (I do think the beer buz they had made the conversation extra interesting... I remember those days, too).

It's well past midnight... in case you're wondering.

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