It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Van Gogh or Mr Biraseeos?

I woke up late today... I was meant to swim at Salford but I decided to stay in bed instead. It was raining anyway and I didn't fancy the cycle. Breakfast was good, my own mix of muesli and some home grown rhubarb! My fav veggie.

I've a wee bit Guatemalan El Bosque left so made an espresso and then a latte with that.The gold top milk from the post office makes all the difference as the foam is so much better... something to do with the fat molecules I think, and very sweet when steamed. The coffee cut through the sweetness beautifully!

I was considering heading over to Liverpool to Tate Modern as I've not done that for a while, but realised I've never been to the Whitworth so decided to give that a go instead. The train was full of Man City fans and I'd left my Ipod at work. What a blow! Noisy buggers.

The Whitworth was really cool even though most of the rooms were closed. I loved how they had mixed Hogarth with modern stuff. It worked. There was this amazing picture by an artist that I've never heard of, a temple in Jerusalem and painted with such precision and amazing light. The Van Gogh was beautiful and the Turner was nice. There was also a slightly camp talking light bulb too.... LSD has a lot to answer for! Amusing though.

The best painting all day was this one, just under the bridge near 8th Day in Oxford Road. It obviously means something to the graffiti artist, what? I don't know but if you have any suggestions please comment. It made me smile as it's a bald man with a big nose, just like me. I have grown a beard and have different coloured side bits on my head, so there is a difference.

Then, I went off to Unicorn to do my shopping; I am anti-supermarket, especially Tesco, so I don't mind the trip to Chorlton. I spoke to a big fat West Indian lady on the bus as we were going through Moss Side. She was lovely and inspired me to buy black beans for dinner tomorrow.

It was a mindful day. I was still sad from the week so made a big effort to notice the world, faces, things and it worked. It's amazing how nice people can be just by doing simple things like smiling. Lessons today:
- Graffiti impacted on me more than a Van Gogh so the graffiti is more valuable
- Most people are nice if given the chance.

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